What does 77 Rice purity mean?

What does 77 Rice purity mean?

A Rice Purity score of 77 suggests a moderate level of ‘purity.’ The lower the score, the more life experiences, particularly those considered societal taboos, the respondent has participated in.

A score of 77 on the Rice Purity Test suggests that the test-taker has had some moderate experience with certain topics, but is still relatively innocent and inexperienced overall. Some of the questions on the test that might contribute to a score of 77 include having held hands romantically with someone, having been drunk before, and having tried a cigarette.

It’s important to note that the Rice Purity Test is not a definitive measure of one’s personal purity or innocence, and that everyone’s experiences and values are unique. The test is intended as a fun and light-hearted way for college students to compare their experiences and explore their own beliefs and values. It should not be used as a tool to judge or shame others, or to make assumptions about one’s character based on their score. Ultimately, the meaning of a score of 77 or any other number on the Rice Purity Test is subjective and can vary depending on the individual taking the test.

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