What is 84 Rice purity test?

What is 84 Rice purity test?

A score of 84 on the Rice Purity Test suggests a moderate degree of ‘purity.’ It implies that the respondent has had various life experiences, but many of the activities considered societal taboos in the test remain unexplored.

A score of 84 on the Rice Purity Test indicates that the person who took the test has experienced some level of sexual activity, but has not engaged in sexual intercourse. The questions in the Rice Purity Test are designed to assess a person’s level of sexual experience, drug use, and other risky behaviors.

It’s important to note that the Rice Purity Test is not a diagnostic tool or a definitive measure of a person’s character. It is simply a tool for self-assessment and self-reflection. A high score on the test does not necessarily mean a person is more virtuous, just as a low score does not necessarily mean a person is less virtuous. It is up to each individual to decide how they interpret and use the results of the Rice Purity Test.

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