Is 95 good on the rice purity test?

Is 95 good on the rice purity test?

A score of 95 on the Rice Purity Test indicates a high degree of ‘purity,’ suggesting that the respondent has not participated in many of the activities listed in the test. It’s important to note that ‘good’ is subjective, and the score does not determine an individual’s worth or character.

A score of 95 on the Rice Purity Test is considered a very high score, indicating that the person who took the test is very innocent and has engaged in very few impure activities. A score of 95 means that the person has answered “no” or “never” to almost all of the questions on the test.

Of course, it’s important to remember that the Rice Purity Test is not a perfect measure of a person’s purity or innocence. It is possible for someone to score high on the test but still have engaged in activities that are not considered pure or innocent. Similarly, it is possible for someone to score low on the test but still be a very kind, honest, and pure-hearted person.

In the end, the Rice Purity Test is just a fun and lighthearted way to get people thinking about their own behaviors and choices. It’s not meant to be taken too seriously or to judge anyone for their actions. Instead, it’s just a tool to help people reflect on their own lives and make choices that align with their values and beliefs.

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